Pro animator works on subscribers' Unity games for free

Pro animator works on subscribers' Unity games for free
Pro animator works on subscribers' Unity games for free

If anyone out there is interested in going to school for gamedev check out my sponsor SNHU:

Help support me on Patreon! 🙂

Was super fun creating this Devlog, working on your indie games, seeing all the projects. I’m very impressed by what some of my subscribers are capable of! Never been a better time for indie game devs, very excited to follow all your progress.

More Devlogs in the works! Have a good one, cheers!

Music By @flowerheadmusic

Gato Paradiso
Frog Shop

Check out Grouch on YT (Slot Shot creator)

Aiden Erickson and Oliver Rowe – 2D Platformer creators

N64 Platformer by Hederlunden